Elected Officials


Federal Government

President of the United States — Joseph R Biden
Party:  Democrat
White House Switchboard:  202-456-1414
Comment Phone line:  202-456-1111
White House Address:  The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Web Form contact  Contact the White House
White House web site:  The White House

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U.S. Congress – OR 5 — Rep. Lori Chavez-Deremer
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone: (202) 225-5711
Capitol Address:  1722 Longworth House Office Building
Web Form contact:  E-Mail Rep Chavez-Deremer
Congressional web site:  chavez-deremer.house.gov

U.S. Senate – Oregon — Sen. Jeff Merkley
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  202-224-3753
Capitol Address:  313 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Web Form contact:  E-Mail Sen. Merkley
Congressional web site:  Merkley.Senate.gov

U.S. Senate – Oregon — Sen. Ron Wyden
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  202-224-5244
Capitol Address:  221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C., 20510
Web Form contact:  E-Mail Sen. Wyden
Congressional web site:  Wyden.Senate.gov

State Government

Find Your Legislator

Legislature — House       Back to top

The Oregon House of Representatives consists of 60 members who are elected to serve for two-year terms. Each representative represents a district containing about 57,000 citizens. There are three Representatives with constituencies in Linn County. 


Shelly Boshart DavisHouse District 15 — Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1415
Capitol Address:  900 Court St NE, H-491, Salem, OR, 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site:  oregonlegislature.gov/boshartdavis
Campaign e-mail:  [email protected]
Campaign web site:  https://www.ShellyBoshartDavis.com

Jami Cate

House District 11 — Rep. Jami Cate
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1411
Capitol Address:  900 Court St NE, H-381, Salem, OR, 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site:  oregonlegislature.gov/cate
Campaign web site: https://jamicate.com/


House District 17 — Rep. Ed Dehl
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1417
Capitol Address:  900 Court St NE, H-378, Salem, OR, 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site:  oregonlegislature.gov/diehl
Campaign web site: https://eddiehl.com/

Legislature — Senate       Back to top

The Oregon Senate consists of 30 members who are elected to serve for four-year terms. Each senator represents a district comprising two consecutively-numbered House districts; the number of the Senate district is half the even-numbered House district. Linn County residents are served by three Senators.

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Senate District 6 — Sen. Cedric Hayden
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1706
Capitol Address:  900 Court St. NE, S-411, Salem, OR 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site: oregonlegislature.gov/hayden/
Campaign web site: https://www.cedrichaydenfororegon.com/

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Senate District 8 — Sen. Sara Gelser
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1708
Capitol Address:  900 Court St. NE, S-405, Salem, OR 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site:  oregonlegislature.gov/gelser

Fred Girod

Senate District 9 — Sen. Fred Girod
Party:  Republican
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1709
Capitol Address:  900 Court St. NE, S-421, Salem, OR 97301
Legislative e-mail:  [email protected]
Legislative web site:  oregonlegislature.gov/girod
Campaign e-mail:  [email protected]
Campaign web site:  FredGirod.com

Executive       Back to top

Oregon has five offices in the Executive branch whose heads stand for election every four years. Three of them stand for election in leap years, the same as President of the United States:  Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Attorney General. Two stand for election in the intervening even-year election:  Governor and Commissioner of Bureau of Labor & Industries.

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Governor — Tina Kotek
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  503-378-4582
Capitol Address:  900 Court Street, Suite 254, Salem, OR 97301
Office e-mail:  [email protected]
Web form contact:  Share your opinion
Office web site:  oregon.gov/gov

Secretary of State — ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​LaVonne Griffin-Valade
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  503-986-1523
Capitol Address:  900 Court Street, Capitol Room 136, Salem, OR 97310
Office e-mail:  [email protected]
Office web site:  sos.oregon.gov

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Treasurer — Tobias Read
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  503-378-4329
Capitol Address:  900 Court Street, Capitol Room 159, Salem, OR 97301
Office e-mail:  [email protected]
Office web site:  oregon.gov/treasury

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Attorney General — Ellen Rosenblum
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  503-378-6002
Capitol Address:  1162 Court St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
Office e-mail:  The AG has not disclosed a direct e-mail contact
Office web site:  DoJ.state.or.us

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Commissioner of Bureau of Labor & Industries — Christina Stephenson
Party:  Democrat
Capitol Phone:  971-673-0761
Agency Address:  800 NE Oregon St., Suite 1045 Portland, OR 97232
Office e-mail:  [email protected]
Office web site:  oregon.gov/BOLI

Linn County & Local Governments

Legislative and administrative functions of Linn County are in the hands of the board of three commissioners. Of the ten offices that face voters, only the commissioners are partisan. With the partisan advantage favoring Republicans, although most voters are registered as non-affiliated, it is not surprising that all three commissioners are Republican.

Board of Commissioners (541) 967-3825       Back to top

Will Tucker

Position 1 — Will Tucker
Party:  Republican
Courthouse Phone:  541-967-3825
Courthouse Address:  300 SW 4th Ave, P.O. Box 100, Albany, OR, 97321
Commissioner e-mail:  [email protected]
Commissioner web site:  co.linn.or.us
Commissioner Tucker is up for re-election in 2022

Roger Nyquist

Position 2 — Roger Nyquist
Party:  Republican
Courthouse Phone:  541-967-3825
Courthouse Address:  300 SW 4th Ave, P.O. Box 100, Albany, OR, 97321
Commissioner e-mail:  [email protected]
Commissioner web site:  co.linn.or.us
Commissioner Nyquist is up for re-election in 2022

Sherrie Sprenger

Position 3 — Sherrie Sprenger
Party:  Republican
Courthouse Phone:  541-967-3825
Courthouse Address:  300 SW 4th Ave, P.O. Box 100, Albany, OR, 97321
Commissioner e-mail:  [email protected]
Commissioner web site:  co.linn.or.us
Commissioner Sprenger is up for re-election in 2024


County Offices




City Offices


The links here direct you to the section of each city's web site with information on the elected mayor and members of the council. If you live in or near any of the cities, consider poking around the site and get involved in that level of government that has the most immediate impact on your life. Once you get used to the water, go ahead and dive right in and run for office.

Albany logo Albany Brownsville logo Brownsville Halsey logo Halsey Harrisburg logo Harrisburg
Lebanon logo Lebanon Lyons logo Lyons Mill City sign Mill City Millersburg logo Millersburg
Scio logo Scio Sodaville logo Sodaville Sweet Home logo Sweet Home Tangent logo Tangent

The cities of Gates, Idanha, and Waterloo do not have web sites, so cannot be linked here