We had an amazing turn out for our April 22nd Gubernatorial Forum. The forum began at 4:00 and wrapped up just before 9:00pm. The question and answers began at 5:30 resulting in a 3 hour, 18 minute recording that you can watch on our YouTube and Facebook pages. Unfortunately we had a brief interruption when an activist promoting their own content channel was asked to leave for violating our rules of attendance. While it made for a catchy headline, our statement in response is included here so our supporters understand the context of what occurred.
For the benefit of those who attended our Gubernatorial Forum on April 22nd 2022, and the audience who watched online, thank you for joining us Friday so we could hear the attending candidates answer the submitted questions, using their own words, in a candid and transparent way.
Prior to the event the LCRP’s Events and Executive committees debated on how to expand the reach of this event and if we would permit the broadcasting of it by others. The advantages of live streaming from your phone can also create new challenges. The LCRP and its committees created and funded this event as well as its agenda. Twisting the First Amendment for personal benefit by allowing any person or group to attempt to gain notoriety is not what our Party or our events are about.
To ensure transparency and full access we decided to invest in a professional videographer, which allowed us to professionally livestream the entire event on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Each of the candidates were informed of the rules well in advance of Friday’s event, including that we would not allow recording. The individual who was trespassed from the event was also notified, prior to her attendance on Friday evening, that she would not be allowed to record or livestream the event. The individual then made us aware that they planned to attend and violate our rules. In addition, early in the day on Friday, said individual also notified law enforcement of her intent. This allowed us to be proactive and prepared regarding enlisting on-site security and having law enforcement at the ready.
Every person had equal access to the live feed, and there was no need for personal recording devices to be disrupting this event. Even the person removed will get to enjoy the spectacle that was created by their disruption. Friday’s video was not edited, cut, or altered for content, except for camera angles and the unfortunate, brief interruption of the live feed while we tended to the disruptive guest. The full video will be available online for viewing indefinitely on our YouTube channel, Facebook page, and soon our Rumble account.
We hope that Friday evening’s interruption serves to educate Oregonians on the power, responsibility, and limits of the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
We hope that every person in attendance of the LCRP Governor Forum on Friday, April 22, whether in person or online agrees, our congress and our government must remain limited, but personal freedoms, including privacy and the right to govern our own lives, should be preserved.
Thank you for supporting the Linn County Republican Party!